8:06 AM
Usually the latest posts are shown at page main blog. But if you post too long then it will make a full main page. If you want to post you are shown the main yard only just abstraksinya then there is a link Read More / Read More to see more so follow these steps:
1. Layout menu and then select Edit HTML.
2. Love the check (tick) the check box "expand widget templates"
3. Look for the following code in your blog template (approximately where the 1 / 4 the lower part hmtl code):
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
If you already have met under this code:
<p> <data:post.body/> </ p>
4. If you've met, this code change <p> <data:post.body/> </ p>
be like this:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More......</a>
Writing "Read More ....." could you fox, for example a "Read Article ......".
5. Save edits.
6. Then select Settting and select Formatting
7. In the Post Template box insert the following code:
<span class="fullpost">
8. Then Save.
9. When posting, there is a choice of 2 tab tuh, the "Compose" and "Edit Html", then select the "Edit HTML", then automatically the code would look like the following:
<span class="fullpost">
10. Put abstraction posts or articles that will appear the main dihalama (before writing "Redmore") above this code: <span class="fullpost"> while the remainder is put in a whole post of code <span class="fullpost"> and </span>